Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gnarly, league!

Tuesday night this week kicked off our first night of War Torn Alliances: Gnarls at Infinity Games. Near a dozen players were in by the tome I left at 7:30 last night, with several Cygnarans, a Trollkin, at least two Khadorans, a Menite, Cryxian, and some others I can't recall. I got four games in, only winning one, but as always had a rockin' time.

First up was Kris, fielding Gunnbjorn, and a scenario I mcan't recall the name of. Two 12" zones were on the table with a Fuel Cache Objective marker in each, control your own objective while contesting the enemy zone to score a point. Naturally, after ranting over and over to play the scenario to people lately I didn't, and Haley2's forces forgot to contest a zone, letting Gunny claim a map point in the Kriels.

On the same team as the Trollkin, Khador stepped up next and I got to face The Boldock with his Irusk2 list in a scenario with a drifting cloud that kept throwing things (including the Behemoth!). I must say it's nice to see him expand from Iron Fleshed Kayazy and the Winterguard Deathstar - he's now taking Aiyanna and Holt with themto cap Trenchers left right and centre, and Saxon Orrick to let those Kayazy charge over that pesky wall and one shot people like Kara Sloan with rolls of 6,6,6,5. Another point for the Kriels!

Third game was against the mostly Malifaux playing Rhys, and his Mortenebra Theme. Rhys still has a way to go in his collection, so we only played 25pts and played a simpler scenario with a large rectangle actoss the middle - perfect practice for Kara's planned outing this weekend at The Hobby Matrix's Feb 25pt Steamroller 2012. here's the list I've agonised over.

Army Name: 25 Kara Double The Fist!
25+6 points, 16 models

Captain Kara Sloan +6 points
* 2x Cyclone 9 points each

Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator 1 point
6 Trencher Commandos 6 points
6 Trenchers 6 points

Rhys had a good play, circling around my smoke wall with his Overrun movement proc'd by a Trencher slaying Leviathan on a Reaper, but unfortunately he misjudged the angle and the harpooned Cyclone got stuck on a Commando before it could make the Reapers melee range. The rest of Morty's feat turn was a bit wasted thanks to my forces spreading out, although I lost most of the Trencher Infantry. In my turn a Trencher Commando sliced the skull off the Deathripper that Kara had wounded in my earlier turn, leaving my latest girl to have three shots on Mortenebra between Reinholdt's reload and her feats' proc from a Cyclone, dropping Morty from a safe distance. Chalk up a map point for Point Bourne!

Game four sticki g to the same scrnario was against Mitch's Retribution, and Ravyn. I managed to get myself assassinated on turn one by Ravyn in a recent game against Bendigi PG Kerensky, so I played a very cautious match - possibly too much so. With the threat range on the Mage Hunters and only one Shield Guard model I hung back pretty far, a curse both for the scenario and the matchup. Mitch slowly whittle me down to the point I gave a ling shot a go, and when it failed Ravyn personally finished Kara off in melee.

I don't know what territory Mitch was after, but everyone went on for more games after I dashed off, including Feora2 chewing dirt in front of Ossyan, while a better swan than I scored another map point for Point Bourne. I've challenged the Cygnar league players at Hobby Matrix to fight for Kara's last known posting too, but we'll see how the dust settles on the interactive map.

I love these leagues, and was really disappointed when I had to call them off last year due to numbers. I'm hoping the guys are enjoying it as much as I am, and I'm fairly confident after the faces I was seeing last night. Switching to Journeyman style patches was a great idea, I can't wait to earn my full set and get them in my mitts!

Maybe I'll have to get a Trencher outfit to go with them...

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